
Located on top of the screen content and below of the StatusBar, provides to user easily navigate from screens, search, back and a serie of other functionalities.

NavigationHeader works with react-navigation 2.0.0 or higher. If you don’t use react-navigation as navigator in your project, we recommend to you not use this component in your project.



Declaration Description Type Default Required
title Text that will be displayed as title of the header String - false
hasDrawer Render a sandwich Button Icon that call the this.props.navigation.openDrawer() function to open the NavigationDrawer Boolean false false
hasHistory Render a left arrow Button Icon that call the this.props.navigation.goBack() function and back to the previous screen. Boolean false false
centerComponent Render a custom component that replace the default title component Function(screenProps: Object) (): void false
leftComponent Render a custom component at the left side of the header Function(screenProps: Object) (): void false
rightComponent Render a custom component at the right side of the header Function(screenProps: Object) (): void false

Note hasDrawer and hasHistory can’t be used at the same time.

Style names

Declaration Description
featured Sets backgroundColor to featuredColor as defined in theme.
dark Sets backgroundColor to darkColor as defined in theme.
paper Sets backgroundColor to paperColor as defined in theme.

JSX Declaration

<Screen headerComponent={<NavigationHeader title="SCREEN TITLE" hasDrawer />}>
  <Text>A beautiful screen</Text>

Snack Example

Coming soon.